10 Cars That Double As Watercraft
Daniel Bonfiglio
Why spend money buying a car and a boat when you can buy one vehicle that does the job of both?
The amphibious car is a tricker concept to master than you might think, and both private companies and military forces around the world have had their crack at it.
Here are 10 cars that masquerade as water craft.
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1. Amphicar
Created in 1961, this early amphibious car actually went into production, and sold 3,878 units. It was based on a Triumph Herald 1200. -
2. Rinspeed SQuba
If you’re ever in the market for a scuba diving Lotus Elise, then this is the car for you. Inspired by James Bond’s Lotus Esprit in “The Spy Who Loved Me,” it can submerge 10 meters underwater. -
3. The Duplex Drive Tank
Incredibly, this was America’s take on an amphibious tank during World War II. -
4. GIBBs Aquada
This high-speed amphibious car can do 100mph on land, and 30mph in the water. -
5. Dutton Mariner
The 1990 Dutton Mariner is a British amphibious car built using a Ford, some propellors, and a neat body kit. Looks like it works well. -
6. The Amphibious WWII Landing Craft Vehicle
At Lane Motor Museum in Nashville, TN. -
7. Nissan Pickup
Incredibly, Jeremy Clarkson and Top Gear crossed the English channel in a modified Nissan pickup. How hard could it be? -
8. Hobbycar
Need a convertible for the road AND the water? Well this 1992 Hobbycar is for you. However, cost, low production, and that close waterline mean it never saw much financial success. -
The Royal Australian Army’s take on an amphibious landing craft. -
10. Bond Bug
Incredibly, the British amphibious speed record was set in 2017 by none other than Jeremy Clarkson in this Bond Bug, at 47.81 miles per hour.